small church pastoral emotional frustration and health burnout

One Huge Key to a Pastor’s Emotional Survival

Being a pastor of a church can be emotionally exhausting.  At times, it really does feel like riding an emotional roller coaster.

small church pastoral emotional frustration and health burnout

In a single week, you can cover.

  • rejoicing with a new convert who is growing in their faith
  • hurting with a young couple who lost a baby
  • conflict with a board member
  • preaching and feeling like you really connected
  • learning that your illustration really offended someone
  • guilt about how much family time you’re spending
  • excitement about a new tither
  • frustration with your building

Nah, never mind.  That can all happen in ONE DAY.

There’s a lot to be said about the topic of how to handle the emotional ups and downs of pastoring… and I can’t cover it all in one video.  But here’s one key that I think is crucial:  Your ability to handle, embrace and even rejoice in chaos.

[shareable]Allow chaos — clean it up. Allow chaos — clean it up. Rinse & repeat. – Darrell Stetler II[/shareable]

For more, here’s today’s 5 Minute Mentoring Video:

A Word from Our Sponsor:

SermonSubscribe - Providing Quality Preaching Through Video for churches who have lost their pastor

This video series is brought to you by SermonSubscribe, providing quality preaching by video.

Are you burned out as a pastor? Need someone to help lift the preaching load for a time? Do you need a sabbatical, but not sure how you will fill the pulpit?

Are you on a pastoral search committee, but you’re struggling to find a good candidate, and make sure someone is able to preach every weekend? Did your pastor retire, and you’re looking for a new one… but you have to bridge the gap until you can hire a new pastor?

You need to check out SermonSubscribe ( Each week, I preach live in Oklahoma City, edit the High-definition video, and send it to churches across the United States. By the middle of the week, those churches have a quality Biblical sermon to download, handouts to print out & copy… and all of this for far less than it costs to bring in a special speaker or interim pastor.

Have questions?  For pricing, or common questions, please visit

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