
Lowering Your Sunday Morning Stress

Ray Stevens, the great musical comedian, once wrote a song called “Sunday Mornings.”

Chaos, mayhem, panic and disorder
Even worse when we were cursed with not enough hot water
We broke most of the Commandments and a host of the heavenly warnings
Trying to get the family to church on Sunday morning

If you smiled at that, it’s probably because you can identify.  We’ve all been there.

[shareable]We broke most of the Commandments & a host of the heavenly warnings/ Trying to get the family to church on Sunday morning. – Ray Stevens[/shareable]

But honestly, is that the mindset you want heading into worship?  Do you think that frustration or discouragement or stress shows up in how you lead a service?  How you preach?  How you handle those E.G.R. (Extra Grace Required) people?

You bet it does.

Since my wife and I were blessed with our 7th child (6th boy) a few weeks ago, I’m feeling the need to take my Sunday morning routine to a new level to lower the stress level.  For me, step #1 is re-instating a ministry in our church that fell off the wagon sometime back when a volunteer experienced some physical problems and had to step down.

So it’s appropriate that today’s 5 Minute Mentoring Video be a piece on how to lower your stress on Sunday mornings, when the “performance pressure” is on.

Here’s the details on the system that I’m tweaking and re-installing:

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