
How to Find Success Making Disciples In a Small Church

I had one of those moments you “live for” as a pastor a few days ago. It’s always nice when one of those comes along.

Here’s what happened:

A young college-age African-American man came up to me and said, “Pastor, I’m wondering if you could give me one of those NewStart Discipleship Journals you were talking about? Actually, I need two of them. I’ve been witnessing to these two guys at work. I think they’re a ways from coming to church, but I’m wanting to walk with them through helping them get started when they accept Christ.”

💥 BOOM! 💥

I went back to the office, and grabbed a stack of NewStart Discipleship Journals, and handed him two of them.

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Honestly, I was topping the trees.



The Apostle Paul said to Timothy, “and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” (1 Timothy 2:2, ESV)

Did you see it?

Discipleship is supposed to be TRANSFERRABLE and MULTIPLIABLE.

There are 4 generations of Christians in that verse!

  • Paul
  • Timothy
  • Those who are discipled by Timothy
  • Those who are discipled by those who are discipled by Timothy.

That’s how it’s supposed to work.

The problem is that for years, I didn’t do anything multipliable in discipleship. I trusted in my gifts, my teaching ability, my talking ability, my Bible college education… and I did help some folks. But I couldn’t multiply, because my disciple-making was based on my own ability, and not everyone I worked with could be that person. They didn’t have the background, memory, gifts, or education.

So when I determined, a couple years ago, that I had to develop a system that would enable me to multiply disciple-makers, instead of just add to my list of people… I didn’t know how that was going to go.


For discipleship to be multipliable, it is going to require 2 things:

  1. Clarity – Absolute clarity on what needs to be shared, what needs to be built.
  2. Simplicity – Completely simple methods that are easily reproduced, no matter the education level or gifts of the disciple-maker.

If you can’t hit those two targets, I think you’ll fail at multiplying disciple-makers.

So what’s next to keep discipleship success going?

While I was in the office getting those NewStart Discipleship Journals for that young man, I noticed that I needed to order more from the printing company. So I went and ordered 20 more (at the rate only NewStart Discipleship Members can get, of course. 🙂 )

Because I’m not OK with stopping… when you’ve got a little momentum, it’s time to build on it!

Let’s GOOOO!

Here’s why I’m excited to share this story with you:

Because the most common answer when I survey pastors about their discipleship plan is, “To be honest, It doesn’t really exist.”

If you’re tired of not knowing what your discipleship plan is, then it’s time to be done with that. Honestly, it’s frustrating and exhausting, and I know how to solve it.


I do quite a few discipleship training resources on my main site, NewStart Discipleship. These include 7 different resources to help train you for the primary work that God has called you to: Making disciples!

If you’re up for a 1 hour free training, this is where I teach my strategies for developing a disciple-making culture at your church… specifically a training called “How to be 100% Ready to Make Disciples (And Multiply Disciple-Makers).” It’s what I’m currently doing (and it’s working) at my church.

Thanks for reading!

What “proud pastor” moments do you have in discipleship lately? Comment below!

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