Category: Uncategorized

Emotional Health Leadership Pastoral Burnout Uncategorized

Pastor, Here’s Why You Can’t Quit

If the stats are right, several pastors reading this are burned out and thinking of quitting… or at least wishing it could happen. The old joke about “writing your resignation letter every Monday” has a grain of truth. You’re burned out. Used up. Frustrated. In conflict. Spiritually drained. Unappreciated. I don’t know if you’re one […] 
Guest Follow-up Holidays & Special Days outreach Systems Uncategorized

How to Not Waste Your Christmas Crowd

Every pastor knows that Easter and Christmas are two Sundays that are most likely to attract the unchurched and the de-churched to attend. You probably have given thought to your Christmas or Advent services already, since we’re just a few weeks away. Between now and Christmas, you’ll probably brainstorm ideas decorate the Sanctuary rehearse special […] 
Leadership Personal Productivity Systems Uncategorized

A Simple Strategic Planning Process for Your Church

Some fancy terms that get thrown around in the world seem complicated — but really are more simple than you might think at first.  One is “strategic planning.”  It can sound scary.  It leads to lots of questions: Entire books have been written on this subject.  And they’re great.  But I’m guessing most pastors on this list […] 
Personal Productivity preaching sermons Systems Uncategorized

5 Reasons You Should Plan Sermons In Advance

There’s a running joke among preachers, where sermons are referred to as “Saturday Night Specials.”  It’s one of those jokes with an element of truth.  Every small church pastor knows the feeling of a busy week of ministry, outside jobs, counseling, maintenance — and an emergency crash sermon prep session on Saturday night.  (Or Sunday morning!) I know […] 
3d book display image of The Habits Masterclass

Breaking Old Habits, Building New Ones

Learn to break old habits and build new ones. The best insights from over 20 books on habits, self-discipline, and willpower.

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