Category: Tools

How to help deal with forgetfulness for forgetful small church pastors.
5 Minute Mentoring Personal Productivity Systems Tech Tools

5 Ways Small Church Pastors Can Beat Forgetfulness

You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach when your phone rings, you see the name on caller ID and you groan — because you realize you forgot something?  I hate that feeling.  I hate letting people down, when I’ve agreed to do something. It’s embarrassing. It’s stressful. It costs you relationships, respect and […] 
5 Minute Mentoring & small church pastor coaching from Darrell Stetler
5 Minute Mentoring Leadership outreach Tools Uncategorized

Three Main Marketing Pieces for Small Churches

Far too many small churches are content with sloppiness in their marketing promotional material… or even it being non-existent! This can be for several reasons: they don’t know what’s available. they don’t have time or ideas for it. they haven’t thought through an outreach strategy. they don’t have the skills or the money to update it. […] 
Bible Emotional Health Family Health Leadership Pastoral Burnout Personal Productivity Systems Tech Tools

How to Build a Morning Routine – Part 2

There isn’t one “right” morning routine.  It’s built on your values and realities.  My reality is self-employed (pastor) and 6 kids.  Yours might look totally different.  But for some ideas and encouragement, here’s a walkthru of my morning routine, from start to finish, with tips of what makes it work better for me. If you […] 
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Breaking Old Habits, Building New Ones

Learn to break old habits and build new ones. The best insights from over 20 books on habits, self-discipline, and willpower.

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