Category: Personal Productivity

Emotional Health Pastoral Burnout Personal Productivity Uncategorized

How to Beat Lazy Procrastination

The Brutal Truth About Laziness—and How to Finally Defeat It Sometimes, procrastination isn’t about fear, uncertainty, or perfectionism—it’s simply about not wanting to do the work. Lazy procrastination is when we know exactly what needs to be done but lack the willpower or motivation to do it. Let’s confront this head-on and discover how to […] 
Emotional Health Pastoral Burnout Personal Productivity Uncategorized

Wisdom Procrastination: 4 ways to delay and still win

When Delaying Is Actually the Right Move Not all procrastination is bad. In fact, sometimes it’s a sign of wisdom. Wisdom procrastination happens when you instinctively delay a task because it doesn’t align with your passions, skills, or priorities. Instead of beating yourself up, what if you saw this kind of procrastination as a signal […] 
Emotional Health Pastoral Burnout Personal Productivity Uncategorized

How to Beat Perfectionism Procrastination

How to Stop Waiting for ‘Perfect’ and Start Moving Have you ever delayed starting or finishing something because it didn’t feel perfect yet? If so, you’ve experienced perfectionism procrastination—one of the most paralyzing forms of delay. While reaching for excellence is a good thing, perfectionism takes it too far, trapping us in a cycle of […] 
How to help deal with forgetfulness for forgetful small church pastors.
5 Minute Mentoring Personal Productivity Systems Tech Tools

5 Ways Small Church Pastors Can Beat Forgetfulness

You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach when your phone rings, you see the name on caller ID and you groan — because you realize you forgot something?  I hate that feeling.  I hate letting people down, when I’ve agreed to do something. It’s embarrassing. It’s stressful. It costs you relationships, respect and […] 
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Breaking Old Habits, Building New Ones

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