
how to be less overwhelmed in 15 minutes
Emotional Health Health Holidays & Special Days Leadership Personal Productivity Systems

How to Be Less Overwhelmed in 20 Minutes

The Christmas season is wonderful — and incredibly busy.  The programs, the gifts, the family time, the sermons, the special events, the dinners, the last-minute details… it can all add up to a huge stress load.  What if you could take 15 minutes and lower your stress level — feel less overwhelmed, more in control, and […] 
Emotional Health Leadership Pastoral Burnout Personal Productivity Uncategorized

Why Your Pastor is Tempted to Quit

“Pastor.”  The word may have lost some of its respect over the years, with high-profile scandals, Hollywood hit jobs, and TV cariacatures.  But the title still conjures up good things in many American minds.  A 2011 study by Rasmussen says 70% of Americans view pastors favorably. But pastors, honestly, through all of their healing, restoring & […] 
Emotional Health Health Holidays & Special Days Personal Productivity Uncategorized

Can Thanksgiving Make You Happier & Healthier?

Tomorrow across America, families will gather, turkey will be eaten, football will be watched, holiday shopping will start… and in places, gratitude will be expressed.  Zig Ziglar famously said, “Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions.”  Sounds nice… but is it really true? Researchers are discovering that Zig really wasn’t that far off!  Here are 4 benefits of being […] 
Guest Follow-up Holidays & Special Days outreach Systems

How to Build a Killer Guest Follow-Up System – before Christmas!

Below, you can watch my free webinar!  Here’s what you’ll discover: 7 specific action steps you can take to create a great guest follow up system how my failure in a key outreach event changed our guest followup forever ideas for giving gifts to guests how to effectively collect info from first time guests how […] 
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