5 Ways Small Church Pastors Can Beat Forgetfulness
- It’s embarrassing.
- It’s stressful.
- It costs you relationships, respect and trust, especially as a pastor.
“As vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so is a lazy man to the one who sends him.” (Proverbs 10:26)
I imagine this is pretty easy for people who are obsessive compulsive naturally organized, and never seem to forget anything. But I’m not naturally organized. I’ve had to design systems to work around my weaknesses.
Here’s what I’m learning:
1. Write it down.
- Less stress.
- More producivity.
- Less forgetfulness.
The shortest pencil is better than the longest memory. – Unknown
- Google Calendar (scheduled events)
- Evernote (reference material and project notes)
[shareable]If it ain’t on the list, it doesn’t exist. [/shareable]
2. Create a system.
Atul Gawande wrote “The Checklist Manifesto,” claiming that “The volume and complexity of what we know has exceeded our individual ability to deliver its benefits correctly, safely, or reliably. Knowledge has both saved us and burdened us.”
He’s right.
If you’re older, and it feels like life is more complicated now, that’s probably because… it is!
- in 2001, a 5-point checklist virtually eradicated central line infections in the ICU at Johns Hopkins Hospital, preventing an estimated 43 infections & eight deaths over 27 months
- The same system at hospitals in Michigan decreased infections by 66% in 3 months, and over the next 18 months, saved 1,500 lives.
3. Automate whatever you can.
> A good smart phone
4. Set reminders.
5. Harness the power of accountability.
You’re more likely to accomplish something if you tell someone you are going to do it, if you really make a commitment out of that. In fact, some studies on goals indicate that you are 95% more likely to get it done if you’ve become personally accountable to someone for that action or goal.
Use this to your advantage. Tell someone, or maybe multiple people, what you intend to do. Verbalize it, text it to them…
And then, (my personal favorite thing) make that a trigger. Tell them, pull out your trusty phone or calendar, and let it be your cue to write it down.
Really, it all comes down to this: Just don’t refuse to deal with it.
Don’t make “that’s just who I am” a reason to live the rest of your life letting people down and breaking promises.
[shareable]Don’t make ‘that’s just who I am’ a reason to live the rest of your life letting people down and breaking promises. [/shareable]
As I said, I’m naturally forgetful of things like appointments and commitments. It has required significant work for me to do better. I’m a long ways from perfect here (ask my wife and my church family!), but with desire and work, and a plan, I’ve improved.
As a pastor of a smaller church, if you want to grow, you’ll need to show your ability to grow past these kinds of things in your life in order for you to be trustworthy with larger things.
When you improve in these kind of character traits, it ultimately speaks well of you and of the One you serve.