How to Multiply Disciple-Makers (Even in a Small Church)
I told you a story last week about the young African-American man from my church who came by and asked if he could get a couple copies of the NewStart Discipleship Journal because he was sharing his faith with a couple friends at work. He wanted to use it to help walk with them through their faith journey.
I was so excited.
So, this week, he came back after service, and blew my mind again.
“Pastor, I brought those NewStart Journals back to my apartment, and was looking at it, getting ready to take it to work,” he told me. “My roommate was looking at it, and picked one of them up. He looked through it, and said, ‘Hey, can I have one?'”

About this point, a huge grin is spreading over my face, as you might imagine.
He continued. “So I told him he could, and this guy — he’s not a Christian, honestly he’s pretty wild — he said, ‘Well, we might as well do it together.'”
By this time, I’m grinning so wide, I could eat a banana sideways.
I can’t think of a time when I didn’t want to make disciples — but I never had a plan to do it in a way that could really multiply until I changed my discipleship strategy recently.
I know God’s work is like an iceberg — there’s more below the surface than there is above. But once in a while, it is nice when God gives you a little peek under the surface. It was just what I needed to keep going this week.
What’s keeping you going this week?
Comment below and let me know!
So How Can I get Training to Multiply Disciple-Makers at my church?
P.S. I actually am offering that 1 hour training “How to Be 100% Ready to Disciple New Christians (And Multiply Disciple-Makers!)” again this week on Thursday and Friday. If you missed it last time, and you’d like a do-over, click the link.
P.P.S. AFTER I WROTE THIS… He brought his friend with him to our latest event. This does a pastor’s heart good, to see the disciple multiplication effect starting to happen!